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Coaching with Silvia

Picture of Silvia Costa

I'm here to guide you in re-connecting with yourself, restoring self-trust and healing relationship attachment wounds by using a nurturing, compassionate approach with research based mind-body practices and nervous system education tools that can become part of your life. I'm here to remind you of your truth, beyond the narratives of your conditioning mind and your past.

If you struggle with anxiety, depression, burn-outs, overwhelm, feeling disconnected from yourself and in your relationships then I am here to guide you through this. You are not alone. I'm here to show you that your darkest moments can be a doorway to your healing and to deepen the relationship you have with yourself so that you can finally speak your truth and live with more freedom, joy, authenticity and integrity.

Hello and Welcome!

My name is Silvia. I'm a Candle Maker and Somatic Touch Practitioner (TEB®) with nervous system education ( Transforming Touch and Transforming The Experience-Based Brain with Stephen Terrell).

I'm the founder of Red Fox Candle and my coaching practice as Silvia Costa.

Five years ago I was in a dark place. My anxiety was so scary that stopped me from living my life fully. I felt deeply disconnected from myself, my body and my environment and I didn't know who I was anymore. Everything around me and within me felt scary and unsafe. I was struggling to focus on my daily habits and I didn't believe in myself. As a sensitive and empathic being I didn't realise at the time that all the emotions I was feeling were too confusing and overwhelming and I couldn't separate my feelings from others' feelings. Everything felt too much to handle. My healing journey started with the powerful realisation that I didn't want to live in that way anymore and if I wanted to get better I had to ask for help. Since then I started working with a therapist and a somatic practitioner to heal trauma in my body and transform my darkness into strength. It felt as if a veil was lifted and I could finally see clearly again. I met myself again, more connected, safe and grounded.

My journey led me to learn more about developmental trauma and how our childhood experiences can impact us emotionally, physically and mentally in adulthood. We can welcome the opportunity to address and understand the root cause through the lens of the nervous system so that we can create new neural pathways in our present life. If we don't heal in the present we will continue to live in survival energy, resulting in feeling extremely fatigued, anxious, depressed, stressed or with chronic illnesses.


I'm here to guide you in re-connecting with yourself, restoring self-trust and healing relationship attachment wounds by using a nurturing, compassionate approach with research based mind-body practices and nervous system education tools that can become part of your life. I'm here to remind you of your truth, beyond the narratives of your conditioning mind and your past.

If you struggle with anxiety, depression, burn-outs, overwhelm, feeling disconnected from yourself and in your relationships then I am here to guide you through this. You are not alone. I'm here to show you that your darkest moments can be a doorway to your healing and to deepen the relationship you have with yourself so that you can finally speak your truth and live with more freedom, joy, authenticity and integrity.